Visit to a Seminar on Renewable Energy
Recently, I attended one seminar cum exhibition to gain knowledge regarding Renewable Energy in India. The event was organized by government of India about Renewable energy and its scope in India. The event was inaugurated by Prime Minister of India. Its aim was to showcase the new technology and attract foreign organisations and businessmen to invest in India. The ministers, delegates from various organisations, businessmen, government officials, consultants, manufacturers, banks and many more were the part of the seminar. The ministers were briefing about the subsidy, place, labor, cultural differences, state laws and policies. The officials told us about the process and the timelines and benefits given to the investor companies.
Not only do the seminars and exhibitions provide information but also is a great place for networking. It is a place where buyer and seller meet and exchange their business cards. Later on, with the help of the business cards they arrange a business meeting wherein they discuss the idea in detail. The event was very useful for business expansion and matching services companies.
There are many ways to produce electricity in India like: - solar energy, wind energy, hydro power energy, etc. The Solar Energy is the better way to produce electricity in India. The solar plant converts heat of the sun into electricity. There is a reduction of cost with the help of new technology. Moreover, the Indian government is giving subsidy and land in special economic zone to setup solar plant and on its equipments. It is the most upcoming technology promoted by government. The plant can be setup in small land and on the roof of the building. It will be useful for lowering down the cost in long term.
All looks good, but let’s see how this initiative by Government of India looks in future!
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